Work Package 1 - Experiment in vivo
The experiment is held in the Natural Reserve of La Haute Touche (LHT) Park which belongs to the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris (MNHN). DOMEXP fully relies on the structure and expertise of the LHT staff to insure care, handling and veterinary follow up of the selected animals.
The longitudinal study will rely on 24 specimens, from the same homogenous wild boar population, raised in two contexts of reduced mobility: a free ranging pen of 5000 m2 and a stall with 4 m2 per individual. Animals in both setting are fed on the same standardized diet in the same quantity to remains healthy. Only water is ad libitum.
The chronic stress of each animal will be recorded with Hair cortisol. Hair samples have not been studied yet.
This experiment has been reviewed by the Ethic committee of the MNHN. Agreement from the Ministère de la recherché is still under review.
Cross sectional study of the musculoskeleton growth of control population of wild boars rely on hunted specimens in Compiegne and Chambord with the collaboration of the ONCFS (Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage). The specimens have been collected, dissected and prepared osteologicaly in the plateform of osteological preparation (SPOT) of the MNHN.

To record the growth and development of the musculoskeleton system of each specimen during the experiment, medical CT (X-ray computed tomography) scan and MRI (Magnetic resonance Imaging) scans are performed every 3 months at the platform CIRE (Chirurgie et Imagerie pour la Recherche et l'Enseignement) of the UMR PRC (Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements) of the INRA (Institut National de Recherche Agronomique) of Nouzilly.
These data acquisition process is only possible thanks to the tight collaboration between the LHT and CIRE staffs. The former is in charge of the well-being of the animals during the transport from LHT to the CIRE and their veterinary follow up (anesthesia, awakening, biopsies). The latter is in charge of the acquisition of ad hoc MRI and Medical CT imaging.